Springbrook Online Applications
Business Licensing and Tax Overview
The Licensing and Tax online application is a web-based business licensing and tax portal that allows business owners and license holders to renew licenses, file business tax returns and pay fees or taxes online.
This document provides a general overview of the elements that must be set up in order to use the Licensing and Tax online application.
Related Links
Click here for information on Licensing and Tax Setup.
Click here for information on Web Setup.
Click here for information on the BT Generate Web Keys tool.
Click here for information on the LP Generate Web Keys tool.
Step by Step
1 Configure the Licensing and Tax online application.
- The Licensing and Tax Setup window (SS> Web Application Setup> Licensing and Tax) is used to configure the Licensing and Tax online application. Here you will set up Licensing and Tax details such as specifying which tax types and license types are available for online payment and renewal.
2 Set up the web defaults.
- The Web Setup window (SS> Web Application Setup> Web Setup) is used to specify the online applications' subdomain and the number of unsuccessful login attempts that will be allowed before a user is locked out of Licensing and Tax.
3 Generate web keys for business owners.
- The Generate Web Keys tool (BT> Utilities> Generate Web Keys) is used to generate random web keys for Business Tax customers. These web keys are then used by those customers to access the Licensing and Tax online application.
4 Generate web keys for license holders.
- The Generate Web Keys tool (LP> Utilities> Generate Web Keys) is used to generate random web keys for LP license holders. These web keys are then used by those license holders to access the Licensing and Tax online application.
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